REBELARCHITETTE APS - not for profit association


Activist Architects giving visibility to extraordinary women architects' work


*creative director / strategy / international partnership* architect / art director/  illustrator /lecturer  @ Francesca Perani Enterprise

Vice President

*social media manager / editor / photographer* architect / photographer at THE CATERPILAR

Institutional Secretary

*managing editor  / italian women architects* architect / designer


*international universities / institutions* architect  

Curator / Universities

*Italian  universities / institutions / managing editor * PhD research architect

timefor50 / architetta professional stamp

*italian architectural associations* experienced architect in public administration  

Editor / Latin America

architect & designer Guatemala / Italy    

Curator / IT

*editor  / IT strategy* PhD architect / lecturer / researcher / curator



architect / illustrator

Architecture student / Politecnico di Milano / Milan Italy

Architecture student / Politecnico di Milano / Milan Italy

architect and builder

Editor / Latin America

bachelor architecture student at UNAM from Mexico City/Mexico

architecture student

*editor architect


You have the opportunity to support our research and activism by donating or by becoming a member of our association. Or both, if you like! 

Avete l’opportunità di supportare la nostra ricerca e il nostro attivismo donando or diventando membro della nosra associazione.

Oppure entrambi se vi va! GET IN TOUCH WITH THE ASSOCIATION

Alternatively you can make your donation online.
Every contribution, however big or small, will be extremely valuable for our future. Commit with us to a better, diverse and inclusive future for Architecture!

Altrimenti potete fare una donazione libera online. Ogni contributo, grande o piccolo, sarà estremamente prezioso per il nostro futuro.

Credi insieme a noi ad un’architettura inclusiva e diversificata!

get in touch with the association

Contributors and members of RebelArchitette "early season" without whom nothing would have been possible!

Ilenia Perlotti* interior designer  in charge of Book Graphic Design and group coordination /  Claudia Manenti *  Architect and Visual artist  – Book Editor / Giulia Baroni * architecture Student – Editor/ Silvia Carrara * architecture Student – Editor /  Martina Colombari * architecture Student – Editor/ *Mary Kaldani  architect  – Editor / *Martina Ottaviano architect – Editor / Giusy Paterno architect –  Editor /  *Michela Ceccotti  graphic designer assistant / Giovanna Bosis  – translator – Book Proof reader / Marta Brambilla architect – writer –  Public Relations 


Michela Ceccotti / Chiara Birolini / Sara Pacati / Maddalena Balduzzi



A collective, open project raising awareness and promoting research and information around the recognition of the role of women architects – still too far from the spotlight – at the national and international levels.


The ultimate aim of this project is to promote a heterogeneous and fair professional landscape where Women architects become reference figures for the new generations. By offering role models of excellence in the world of architecture to young female and male students, as well as juries, academics, organizers of exhibitions, and journalists, we want to guarantee a more inclusive and equal view of the profession.


Architette=Women architects Here we are! was initially intended as a non-profit editorial project, an online book to be published coinciding with the opening of the Venice Biennale 2018, to promote 365 role models of excellence of women architects from all over the world presented on an open-source platform.


With members from Italy, Europe, and Canada, the RebelTeam was established in Bergamo, Italy, in May 2017. 

Everything started discussing the intense national debate grown after the approval of the professional stamp in the feminine declination Architetta (meaning Woman Architect – in Italy, until then the official mark was only available in the masculine architetto).

Up to 2019, only 5 of the 106 Italian architect associations have allowed the use of the professional stamp in the feminine. They are Naples, Rome, Lecce, Turin, and Bergamo.

The group identified 3 main goals:

DISSEMINATE female role models of excellence

nationally and internationally, through the self-published book “ARCHITETTE = WOMEN ARCHITECTS Here we are!” and the facebook platform Architette.

RAISE AWARNESS of the need for equal gender participation

in the architecture field, through the international campaign and report #timefor50 #timeforequality (in all professions), addressed to all those involved in the organization of events and the promotion of architecture: professional associations, private organizers, jury organizers, journalists, etc.

The REPORT #timefor50 investigates the unbalanced presence of female speakers in 411 events organized in Italy between 2017 and 2018, and it is freely available online.

The statistics are bleak: over the 411 events average 26% female speakers against 74% male speakers. 

37% of events have been all-male based. #manels

DIFFUSE the importance of the application of gendered language

in the profession normalizing the use of the professional title Architetta and the dedicated professional stamp in the feminine form.

We strongly encourage a declared commitment to networking and mutual support between Italian and international professionals through the creation of specific online and offline events and mentoring activities.


International advisors support our curatorial work with their expertise in their own geographical areas – to make sure outstanding professionals will not be left invisible.

Students, curators, researchers, universities, journalists, architecture amateurs are heartily invited to keep joining us in the making of this incredible geo-located directory!

Inés Moisset, architect / researcher / Un día | una arquitecta Coordinator / Cordoba – Argentina

professora de Arquitetura e Urbanismo at UniDoctum / Teófilo Otoni from Minas Gerais/Brazil

architect / urban planner / activist / founder of Arquitetas Negras from Belo Horizonte / Brasil  

Architect and urban planner / master in architecture and urbanism, both from the Federal University of Uberlândia, researcher in the history of architecture with a gender perspective.  / PhD research architect at Universidad del Bío-Bío in Chile / from Brazil

Architect / Urbanist / Founder and researcher of Arquitetatlas / from São Paulo, Brazil

architect / partner of AR arquitetos from Sao Paolo / Brazil

architect from Montreal/Canada & Greece

architect / designer working from and for the African world/s from Praia, Cabo Verde/ West Africa

architect / researcher / manager of historia arquitectonica de concepcion / associate professor at universidad del bio bio and universidad del desarrollo / heritage conservation activist / Santiago

architect and master in cultural management / expert in architecture journalism and digital content / head of community & partnerships at ArchDaily / former editor-in-chief at Plataforma Arquitectura from Chile  

planner / moderator / analyst / facilitator / networker / feminist / head of Participatory Planning Office, Metropolitan Institute of Bratislava / co-founder & director of WPS Prague from Prague/ Czech Republic  

Sara Tarek architect / strategist / experience design and Branding / Egypt

architect /educator /researcher /author from Belgium/Britain/Finland

Alia Bengana / architect / specialised on raw earth and bio based materials / teacher / lecturer / workshop coordinator on the use of raw earth / founder of the architecture office Alia Bengana Architecte / based in Paris, France and Algiers, […]

architect / town planner / founder of the French prize of women architects / ARVHA director / WIAfr chairwoman from Paris / France  

Architectural designer / Berlin-London-Tel Aviv

architect & designer 

Architect, urbanist, and associate Professor and Program Director in Architecture at the Iceland University of the Arts, Reykjavik / Iceland

architect and urban conservationist | principal architect Somaya & Kalappa Co. | founder Trustee – The HECAR Foundation | Chairperson – Women In Design 2020+ / A.D White professor-at-large, Cornell University | Chairperson, Board of Governors, School of Planning and […]

architect, teacher, researcher and writer | partner ARCHICRAFTS | retired adjunct faculty, faculty of architecture, CEPT University | founder member, Women Architects Forum, India | author/co-author, editor of six books on Indian Architecture | member, sub-committee of Women in Architecture, […]

architect/ designer/ researcher/ writer/ experimenting with design for social impact / Delhi, India

p&b ceo / researcher and architect / Iranian women architects consultant

nesha ceo / researcher and architect /  Iranian women architects consultant  

architect / researcher / writer / lecturer / PhD student

Architect/Designer / Milan/London/LA

Designer/ Founder Ogni casa è illuminata ® / Italian Ambassador Women in Lighting/ Strategic Creative Communication for lighting sector    

author / chief editor of WEARCH from Milan/Italy

architect / initiator of MoMoWo / curator / editor / historian of architecture, construction and design from Turin/Italy    

interior decorator / international lighting company consultant    

architect / founder of Pardini Hall architecture from Lucca/Italy

Architect / Founder OFL Architecture and Cityvision / Rome and Campofranco (Sicily)

architect / social urban facilitator from Bergamo/Italy

architect / architeteca

architect / urban designer / co-founder of SMALL / writer from Milan/Italy

architect / social facilitator / GAMS GiovaniArchitettiMassaCarrara Chairman from Carrara/Italy

architect / writer / journalist Florence/Italy    

Architecture student / CONEA Mexico Member/ Design and   Constructuction Trainee / Volunteer in Social Projects / from Colima, Mexico

Professor in Public Spaces and Urban Mobility  UNAM Facultad de Arquitectura / Founder and Director of CAMINA. Centro de Estudios de Movilidad Peatonal A.C.  / Mexico City / Mexico

bachelor architecture student at UNAM from Mexico City/Mexico

Architect & designer from Oaxaca / Mexico

MArch / LEED AP BD+C / Founder of Ensamble Arquitectura / Energy Design Researcher and Professor at Universidad Iberoamericana / Mexico City, Mexico

architect / professional teaching fellow / activist from Auckland/New Zealand & Aotearoa

architect, designer, co-founder of initiative for women architects @bal_architektek, co-founder of Miastopracownia architecture studio    

architect, designer, researcher, lecturer, curator, co-founder of initiative for women architects @bal_architektek, director of ID Kielce Institute of Design.    

architect, designer, co-founder of initiative for women architects @bal_architektek, co-founder of Miastopracownia architecture studio    

Architect, writer, researcher and PhD student from Lisbon

architect / curator / professor from Porto/Portugal

architect at Diogo Aguiar Studio from Porto/Portugal

architect / feminist / researcher / activist / teacher /  mother / co-founder Mulheres na Arquitectura Lisbona/Portugal

architect / organisational designer / traveller / from Rome, through Rotterdam, Amsterdam, Paris and today Lisbon, Portugal

architect / activist / founder of the Society of Women Architects from Belgrade/Serbia

Editor in chief of Magazine and web portal  OUTSIDER & architect / Lubiana  / Slovenia

architect  at CNN Architects / activist from Durban/South Africa

architect / exhibition designer from Germany / South Korea

architect / team member at Labóh and curator at World-Architects from Vicenza/Italy & Barcelona/ES

architecture student – Lund University / FEMARK Chairman (Feministiska Arkitektstudenter Lund) from Sweden

architect from Malmo/Sweden

architect, scholar, urban designer/ co-curator of the 12th architecture biennale of São Paulo/ gender activist/ founding member of Parity Group & Parity Talks at ETH Zurich / CH      

Architect / co-founder of PLEO / “superdraft” workshop coordinator in EASA Denmark and NASA India  / photographer / Basel  / CH

Architect / Architect Works, PLLC / Professor / University of Houston / Author / inclusivity promoter / Houston, Texas USA

architect / founder & editorial director of from New York City/USA    

director Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion School of Architecture at Syracuse University / co-founder of ArchiteXX from New York City/USA

17/07/2024 Bergamo / Italy

Care Rebel socie, soci, sostenitrici e sostenitori,

dopo quattro anni dalla sua costituzione RebelArchitette torna alle sue origini: chiude l’associazione RebelArchitette APS continuando le attività come collettivo, proprio nella forma che aveva alla sua nascita nel 2017.

Durante questi anni, grazie al vostro sostegno e alla vostra partecipazione attiva, abbiamo potuto diffondere i nostri contenuti, creare una rete solida e realizzare eventi e curatele. 

Questa esperienza ci ha arricchite enormemente, rendendoci più consapevoli del talento spesso oscurato delle professioniste in architettura e dei nostri diritti, tra cui il diritto fondamentale di avere modelli di ruolo femminili a cui ispirarci.

Il nostro lavoro è stato rivolto principalmente alle nuove generazioni, con l’obiettivo di creare un ambiente più giusto, più equo e quindi inclusivo.

Anche se l’associazione chiude, il nostro impegno per la parità non terminerà. 

Continueremo a lavorare per fare spazio a professioniste di talento. Grazie alla vostra generosità manterremo attivi e online i nostri principali documenti di diffusione: il libro “Architette: Women architects here we are”, la piattaforma online con più di 1000 architette georeferenziate WomenArchitectsWorldMap  e la più recente esposizione online delle architette italiane creata in occasione della Biennale di Architettura di Venezia RebelBiennale2021.

Molti dei nostri obiettivi sono stati raggiunti in questi anni.  I risultati più importanti restano comunque la CREAZIONE di NUOVO SPAZIO per il talento femminile attraverso le piattaforme online, consulenze di curatela, la realizzazione di eventi e la partecipazione a più di 90 incontri pubblici, e soprattutto la costruzione di legami sinceri tra chi, come noi, crede in una professione migliore ottenibile solo attraverso quella stessa rete che ci ha RESTITUITO SPAZIO amplificando questo messaggio.

Rimaniamo profondamente legate anche all’azione di sensibilizzazione e all’ottenimento del timbro “architetta” per il 72% delle iscritte consce dell’importanza dell’applicazione del linguaggio di genere come uno dei tasselli fondamentali al rispetto e alla presenza delle professioniste in Italia.

Grazie di cuore per il supporto e la fiducia, non possiamo nominarvi tutte e tutti: possiamo solo affermare in modo deciso che la rete ha funzionato velocizzando un processo di parità ancora troppo lento.

Mentre le giovani ribelli del nostro team lavoreranno a nuovi obiettivi, il collettivo continuerà a rimanere aperto a collaborazioni e contributi esterni.

Con gratitudine e immutato desiderio di parità! 

Il Team RebelArchitette


Dear Rebel members and supporters,

Four years after its foundation, RebelArchitette is returning to its roots: it is closing down as a not-for-profit Association while continuing its activities as a collective in the very form it had at its conception in 2017.

During these years, thanks to your support and active participation, we have disseminated our content, created a solid network, and conducted events and curatorships. 

This experience has enriched us enormously, making us more aware of the still often obscured talent of female architectural professionals and our rights, including the fundamental right to have female role models to be inspired by.

Our work has been aimed primarily at the younger generation, aiming to create a fairer, more equitable and inclusive environment.

Even if the association closes, our commitment to equality will not end. 

We will continue to work to create space for talented female professionals. Thanks to your generosity, we will keep our main dissemination online tools active: the book “Architette: Women Architects Here We Are”, the online platform with more than 1000 geo-referenced  WomenArchitectsWorldMap, and the most recent online exhibition of 137 Italian women architects launched on the occasion of the Venice Architecture Biennale RebelBiennale2021.

Many of our purposes have been achieved in recent years.  The most important results, however, remain the CREATION of NEW SPACE for female talent through online platforms, curatorial consultations, the organisation of events and the participation in more than 90 public meetings, and above all, the building of sincere bonds between those who, like us, believe in a better profession that can only be achieved through that same network that has given us back SPACE by amplifying this message.

We also feel deeply connected to the action of raising awareness and obtaining the ‘SHE-architect’ stamp for 72% of Italian professional members. We are aware of the importance of applying gender language as one of the fundamental building blocks for the respect and presence of female professionals in Italy.

Many thanks to all of you for your support and trust. We cannot name you all; we can only firmly affirm that the network has worked by speeding up an equality process that is still too slow.

While the young rebels on our team will work on new goals, the collective will remain open to external collaborations and contributions.

With gratitude and an unchanged desire for equality! 

The RebelArchitette Team

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