Nicoletta Binello

duearchitetti / Cofondatrice Co-founder

Varese, Lombardia, Italy


Nicoletta Binello (1964) si laurea in architettura presso l’Università ‘La Sapienza’ di Roma. Libera professionista da subito, lavora all’interno dello studio romano Cecchini-Tommasi dove acquisisce le basi del suo fare architettura dalla grande alla piccola scala fino alla gestione del dettaglio. Nel 1997 si trasferisce a Varese dove prosegue la sua attività incontrando le dinamiche di un nuovo territorio. Nel 2012, dopo diverse collaborazioni con l’arch. Paolo Gelso, fonda con lui lo studio associato ‘duearchitetti’ condividendo un continuo dibattito architettonico sulla qualità dell’abitare


Nicoletta Binello (1964) graduated in architecture at ‘La Sapienza’ University in Rome. Starting as a freelancer, she worked in the Cecchini-Tommasi Studio in Rome where she developed the basics of her approach to making architecture, from large to small scale up to managing details. In 1997 she moved to Varese, where she carried on her work as a freelancer adapting to the dynamics of a new territory. In 2012, after several collaborations with the architect Paolo Gelso, they co-founded ‘duearchitetti’, sharing a continuous architectural debate on the quality of the living space


Principali ambiti di progettazione

Design di prodotto, Architettura d’Interni, Allestimenti 

Main fields

Product Design, Interior Architecture, Exhibition Design


interessata a partecipare a

Eventi in qualità di relatrice, scrittura di articoli

interested in 

Public speaking, writing


#architetturadinterni #architettura #architetturasostenibile #design


text by the architect.
photo credits:
2: Simone Bossi
3: Simone Bossi
4: Simone Bossi


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RebelArchitette, is an Italian not for profit association advocating for equality, respect and justice in architecture.

In 2018 we were flash mobbing in Venice together with VowArchitects thanks to a generous call made by Caroline James and Louise Braverman architects.

When invited by Alessandro Melis to coordinate a section entitled  Decolonising the Built Environment, we decided to share this opportunity with all the Italian female professionals we would love to see in newspapers, books, conferences for their outstanding value.

Enjoy and let us know what you think 😉


Phone: +39 035 237939