Carola Davì

LASCIA la SCIA / Team femminile Full female team

Milano, Lombardia, Italy


LASCIA la SCIA nasce dal sodalizio di 5 architette, 5 donne che hanno dato vita ad un progetto comune a Milano nel 2011, fondato su una sensibilità e un metodo progettuale condiviso e impreziosito dalle specificità di ognuna. Crediamo nella forza comunicativa del design che decliniamo in diversi ambiti: allestimento, design degli interni e grafica, costruendo un progetto coerente nell’insieme guidato dalla nostra creatività e competenza.


LASCIA la SCIA was born from the partnership of 5 architects, 5 women who gave life to a common project in Milan in 2011, based on a shared sensitivity and design method and enhanced by the specificities of each one. We believe in the communicative power of design that we decline in different areas: exhibition, interior design and graphics, building a coherent project guided by our creativity and competence.


Principali ambiti di progettazione

Architettura d’Interni, Allestimenti, Grafica / Illustrazioni

Main fields

Interior Architecture, Exhibition Design, Graphics / Illustrations


interessata a partecipare a

Scrittura di articoli, attività di mentoring (sostegno ad altre professioniste)

interested in 

Writing, mentoring


#architetturadiinterni #allestimenti #livinglittle #restyling #temporaryarchitecture


text by the architect.
photo credits:
2: Riccardo Lanfranchi
4: Chiara Fanetti
5: Riccardo Lanfranchi


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RebelArchitette, is an Italian not for profit association advocating for equality, respect and justice in architecture.

In 2018 we were flash mobbing in Venice together with VowArchitects thanks to a generous call made by Caroline James and Louise Braverman architects.

When invited by Alessandro Melis to coordinate a section entitled  Decolonising the Built Environment, we decided to share this opportunity with all the Italian female professionals we would love to see in newspapers, books, conferences for their outstanding value.

Enjoy and let us know what you think 😉


Phone: +39 035 237939