Paola Liani

Paritzki & Liani / Cofondatrice Co-founder

Tel Aviv, Tel Aviv, Israel


Paola Liani è un’architetta italiana, nata a Udine; si forma allo IUAV di Venezia dove consegue la laurea e il Dottorato in Composizione Architettonica. Parallelamente alle sue attività professionali ha insegnato come “visiting professor” presso lo IUAV di Venezia, Bartlett (UCL) e lo Shenkar College of Engineering and Design di Tel Aviv. Nel 2001 ha fondato insieme a Itai Paritzki (AA Dipl.) lo studio Paritzki&Liani Architects con sede a Tel Aviv. E’ iscritta all’Ordine degli Architetti Britannici (RIBA). Nel 2014 Paritzki & Liani Architects espongono al Museo MAXXI di Roma nella mostra Erasmus Effect.


Paola Liani, born in Udine, graduated from IUAV in Venice where she also earned a PhD in Architectural Composition. In parallel to her professional activities, she has been teaching as a visiting professor at IUAV in Venice, Bartlett (UCL) and Shenkar College of Engineering and Design in Tel Aviv. She co-founded Paritzki & Liani Architects, with Itai Paritzki (AA dipl.) in 2001 in Tel Aviv. She is a member of the Royal Institute of British Architects. In 2014 Paritzki & Liani Architects exhibited at the MAXXI Museum in Rome in the Erasmus Effect exhibition.


Principali ambiti di progettazione

Design di prodotto, Architettura d’Interni, Architettura

Main fields

Product Design, Interior Architecture, Architecture


interessata a partecipare a

Eventi in qualità di relatrice, sessioni di didattica o esami, scrittura di articoli, attività di mentoring (sostegno ad altre professioniste)

interested in 

Public speaking, seasonal teaching or crits, writing, mentoring


#architettura #progettosostenibile #architetturadiinterni #paesaggio #composizione


text by the architect.
photo credits:
2: Simone Bossi
3: Simone Bossi
4: Simone Bossi
5: Simone Bossi

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RebelArchitette, is an Italian not for profit association advocating for equality, respect and justice in architecture.

In 2018 we were flash mobbing in Venice together with VowArchitects thanks to a generous call made by Caroline James and Louise Braverman architects.

When invited by Alessandro Melis to coordinate a section entitled  Decolonising the Built Environment, we decided to share this opportunity with all the Italian female professionals we would love to see in newspapers, books, conferences for their outstanding value.

Enjoy and let us know what you think 😉


Phone: +39 035 237939